“I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the Sheep” John 10:11

 The revelation of Jesus as the Good Shepherd gives meaning to our lives in the present and hope for our lives in the future. Such is the case because Sheep need a shepherd to guide and to protect them.

Interestingly, Jesus’ disciples are pictured as sheep. That means when we choose Him as our Lord and Saviour and follow His life style, the Holy Spirit points us in the right direction and protects us from the “evil one”.

 Because Jesus our Shepherd lives what blessings may we expect from Him?

 Because the Good Shepherd is Life He gives Life and light to us             (John 1:4).

Because the Good Shepherd is our Savious He gives forgiveness and salvation to us (Acts 4:12)

Because the Good Shepherd emptied Himself we can be filled (Philippianss 2:7)

Because the Good Shepherd promises we can have hope                 (John 14:1,2)

Because the Good Shepherd was buried and resurrected, we will be raised (1 Corinthians 15:20)

“I am the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in me, even they die like everyone else will live again” (John 11:25)

We praise God that because the Good Shepherd lives, WE LIVE AND WILL LIVE.


Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie

April 7, 2019