by 61stcoc | May Fri, 2019 | Christian 2 Christian, Ozzie Roberts
Good Lord, if anyone were to tell me that the electronic age is Satan’s most accommodating playground, I’d bellow: Amen. He can cause ions of evil to occur extremely easily and swiftly in this age. This electronic age – with its AC/DC operational...
by 61stcoc | May Fri, 2019 | Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie, Weekly Messenger
Twice in the Philippian letter Paul encouraged Christians to “Rejoice in the Lord” (Philippians 3;1 and 4:4. This second time he repeats the encouragement twice. “Rejoice…and again I say rejoice!” and adds the word “always”. Clearly, the joy of the Christian is...
by 61stcoc | May Fri, 2019 | Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie, Weekly Messenger
The president of a successful company was asked what it took to get to the top. “The same thing it took to get started,” he replied. “A sense od Urgency about getting s things done.” Successful people in any realm are those who share a sense of urgency about their...
by 61stcoc | Apr Sun, 2019 | Christian 2 Christian, Ozzie Roberts
I might have said I couldn’t find words for what one of my all-time favorite athletes, Tiger Woods, did by winning pro golf’s most revered Masters Tournament last week. But I’m a believer. So, alone in my room, as my television screen showed Tiger’s final shot hit the...
by 61stcoc | Apr Sun, 2019 | Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie, Weekly Messenger
To some degree all of us are affected by unfortunate experiences, the negative voices of unfair criticisms, discouraging remarks and pre-mature judgments of our behavior can be disconcerting. Often life’s vicissitudes and the “prophets of doom” can frustrate us....
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