by 61stcoc | Feb Tue, 2019 | Author, Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie
At this time in America reflect upon the following which I copied from another source. T. McKenzie God’s List… ► If you feel far away from God, guess who moves? ► Fear knocked. Faith answered. No one was there. ► We can ever really go where God is not, and...
by 61stcoc | Feb Tue, 2019 | Author, Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie
During this time of the year the word “Peace” is a popular expression. Many people look within themselves to find peace. Governments attempt to turn the world upside-to achieve peace. But genuine peace is not of this world—never has been and never will be. Money can’t...
by 61stcoc | Dec Sun, 2018 | Author, Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie, Weekly Messenger
If God commanded the Christmas season where would He have placed the emphasis? Since people have made this time of the year the season for “giving”, perhaps the following illustration is helpful in answering this question. One Christmas season a man who usually mailed...
by 61stcoc | Dec Thu, 2018 | Author, Dr. Taylor A. McKenzie
December 16, 2018 How may we be sure that our Christian principles and practices are approved of God? I believe that the most people who desire to establish and sustain a relationship to Jesus desire the approbation of our Heavenly Father. However, it is sometimes...
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