Lord Increase Our Faith
The topic is suggested by the words of a desperate father who pleaded for the healing of his son who was very ill. After Jesus told him “All things are possible to him who believes, the father said “I do believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:23,24). Let us practically...
Biblical Women/Mothers Living Their Names
Naomi - Her name means “My Joy” and suggests attractiveness. Her manner of life so appealing that Ruth her daughter-in-law told her “Your people shall be my people and your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16). Our lives should be so compelling that we attract people to God....
The Christian is Always in a state of Rejoicing
Twice in the Philippian letter Paul encouraged Christians to “Rejoice in the Lord” (Philippians 3;1 and 4:4. This second time he repeats the encouragement twice. “Rejoice...and again I say rejoice!” and adds the word “always”. Clearly, the joy of the Christian is not...
Being Resolved To Maximize “TODAY”
The president of a successful company was asked what it took to get to the top. “The same thing it took to get started,” he replied. “A sense od Urgency about getting s things done.” Successful people in any realm are those who share a sense of urgency about their...
The Resurrection Keeps Us “Going”
To some degree all of us are affected by unfortunate experiences, the negative voices of unfair criticisms, discouraging remarks and pre-mature judgments of our behavior can be disconcerting. Often life's vicissitudes and the “prophets of doom” can frustrate us. The...
Jesus The Good Shepherd Lives
“I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the Sheep” John 10:11 The revelation of Jesus as the Good Shepherd gives meaning to our lives in the present and hope for our lives in the future. Such is the case because Sheep need a shepherd to...
Some Examples of Walking as A Child of Light
WALKING IN LOVE - “People will know that you are my disciples if ye have love for to another.” (John 13:35). Do you model an attitude of active good will towards others? WALKING IN YOUR ASSEMBLING FOR WORSHIP—And they were continually devoting themselves to the...
The Blessing of God’s Deliverance
God’s plan to save us—to rescue us was foreordained prior to the foundation of the world. That indicates we can take no credit for our salvation. It is ludicrous to take credit for a plan that occurred before we were born (Ephesians 1:3,4). Paul tells us that God...
Being Prepared to Fight The Enemy
Christians must always be prepared for battle. Paul instructed Timothy to “fight the good fight” - keep fighting (1 Timothy 1:18). As we go into battle we must identify who the enemy is. At times some of Jesus’ disciples fight people—they are not our true enemies....
A Positive motivation for Christian responsibility would result if the pronoun “I” were substituted for the pronouns “WE” or “THEY.” It is not uncommon, and perhaps justifiable to hear one say “WE” should do something about making the church known in this community,...